3.4: Marginal Functions in Economics

Cost Functions

Let's first define what marginal means.

Suppose your refrigerator company calculated a total cost function of \[C(x) = 8000 + 200x - 0.2x^2 \qquad 0 \leq x \leq 400\] where $x$ is the number of refrigerators manufactured.
  1. Suppose you have already manufactured 250 refrigerators. How much more does it cost to manufacture the 251st refrigerator?
  2. Find the rate of change of the total cost function with respect to $x$ when $x = 250$.
  3. Compare the numbers in parts (a) and (b).

Marginal cost is the cost incurred when producing one additional unit given that you are already at a certain level of operation.

The number given in part (a) is a marginal cost.

Part (c) showed the derivative evaluated at the certain level of operation is close to the marginal cost.

This reason is why economists have defined the marginal cost function to be the derivative of the cost function.

Sony Elektronics manufactures a portable DVD player. Management determined the daily total cost of producing DVD players (in dollars) is given \[C(x) = 0.0001x^3 - 0.08x^2 + 40x + 5000\]
  1. Find the marginal cost function.
  2. What is the marginal cost when $x = 300$ and $600$.
  3. Interpret the results for part (b).

Average Cost Functions

Instead of looking at the total cost incurred at level $x = a$, we can look at the average cost per unit incurred at level $x = a$.

Suppose $C(x)$ is a total cost function. Then the average cost function, denoted $\bar{C}(x)$, is \[\dfrac{C(x)}{x}\]

Naturally, $\bar{C}'(x)$ is the marginal average cost function.

The total cost function of producing $x$ units of a commodity is given by \[C(x) = 400 + 200x\] dollars.
  1. Which term is the fixed cost? Variable cost?
  2. Find the average cost function $\bar{C}(x)$.
  3. Find the marginal average cost function $\bar{C}'(x)$.
  4. As the number of produced units gets large, what are the economic implications of your results?

Not all average cost functions with behave in such a manner.

Again consider Sony Elektronics. Their cost function was \[C(x) = 0.0001x^3 - 0.08x^2 + 40x + 5000\]
  1. Find the average cost function $\bar{C}$.
  2. Find the marginal average cost function $\bar{C}'$. Compute $\bar{C}'(500)$
  3. Here is a graph of $\bar{C}$.
    Interpret the behavior of $\bar{C}$ based on (a) and (b).

  1. The average cost function is \[\bar{C}(x) = \dfrac{C(x)}{x} = 0.0001x^2 - 0.08x + 40 + \dfrac{5000}{x}\]
  2. The marginal average cost function is given by \[\bar{C}'(x) = 0.0002x - 0.08 - \dfrac{5000}{x^2}\] and \[\bar{C}'(500) = 0.0002 \cdot 500 - 0.08 - \dfrac{5000}{500^2} = 0\]
    1. Since $\bar{C}'(500) = 0$, the slope of the tangent line at $x = 500$ is zero. If you look on the graph, this means the average cost decreases until we hit $x = 500$. After 500, it increases again. Since $\bar{C}(x)$ "changes direction" at $x = 500$, this means the minimum average cost is attained when we produce exactly $500$ DVD players.

We will now define the marginals for revenue and profit function.

Revenue and Profit Functions

Let's first define what demand is.

The demand curve is the graph (of a function) with price along the $y$-axis and quantity along the $x$-axis. The graph answers the question "given a certain price, what is the quantity demanded?"

The demand equation is the function of the graph of the demand curve. It is in the form $p = f(x)$ where $x$ is quantity.

Here is the graph of an example demand curve \[d(x) = -0.025(x+10)^2 - 0.5(x+10) + 60\]
You can see as the demand increases, the price decreases. Or more intuitively, as the price drops, the demand increases.

The revenue function $R(x)$ gives you the total revenue realized from the sale of $x$ units. $R(x)$ can be thought of in the following way: if a company charges $p$ dollars per unit, then \[R(x) = px\]

The unit selling price $p$ is affected by demand, among other variables. If we simplify our mathematical model of price and ignore the other variables, then by definition \[p = f(x)\] and substituting into $R(x)$ we see that \[R(x) = px = x\cdot f(x)\]

Similar to the initial example in this section, the marginal revenue gives the revenue realized when another unit is sold given that sales are already at a certain level. By a similar argument (derivative close to marginal), we define the marginal revenue function as $R'(x)$.

We also define the marginal profit function as $P'(x)$. It is an approximation of the actual profit realized from the sale of the $(x+1)$th unit, assuming the $x$th unit sold.

Suppose a loudspeaker system has a demand equation \[p = -0.02x + 400 \qquad 0 \leq x \leq 20000\]
  1. Find the revenue function $R(x)$.
  2. Find the marginal revenue function $R'$.
  3. Compute $R'(2000)$ and interpret the result.
Suppose further the total cost of producing $x$ units of the loudspeaker system is \[C(x) = 100x + 200000\]
  1. Find the total profit function $P$.
  2. Find the marginal profit function $P'$.
  3. Computer $P'(2000)$ and interpret your result.

Elasticity of Demand

Let's use the concepts in this section to analyze the demand function.

Recall that the demand function follows the equation $p = f(x)$. For example, \[p = -0.025(x+10)^2 - 0.5(x+10) + 60\]

If we solve for the quantity $x$ in that equation instead (not always possible), our demand function is $x = f(p)$, meaning plugging in price gives the total quantity demanded.

Be careful! The axes are switched now.

Here is an example of such a function:

Let's think about a certain price $p$.

If $p$ is increased from $p$ to $p+h$ dollars, then the quantity demanded is predicted to drop from $f(p)$ to $f(p+h)$ units.

The percentage change in the unit price is \[\dfrac{h}{p}\cdot 100 \qquad \qquad \text{think} \qquad \dfrac{\text{change in unit price}}{\text{current price}}\cdot 100\]

The percentage change in the quantity demanded is \[\dfrac{f(p + h) - f(p)}{f(p)}\cdot 100 \qquad \qquad \text{think} \qquad \dfrac{\text{change in quantity demanded}}{\text{quantity demanded at price }p}\cdot 100\]

Let's take the ratio of these quantities. We have \begin{align} \dfrac{\text{percent change in quantity demanded}}{\text{percent change in unit price}} &= \dfrac{\frac{f(p + h) - f(p)}{f(p)}\cdot 100}{\frac{h}{p}\cdot 100} \\&= \dfrac{f(p + h) - f(p)}{f(p)}\cdot \dfrac{p}{h} \\&= \dfrac{f(p + h) - f(p)}{h}\cdot \dfrac{p}{f(p)} \end{align} If $f(x)$ is differentiable at $p$ and $h$ is small, then \[\dfrac{f(p + h) - f(p)}{h}\approx f'(p)\] so the aforementioned ratio is approximately equal to \[\dfrac{f'(p)}{\frac{f(p)}{p}} \approx \dfrac{pf'(p)}{f(p)}\]

The negative of this quantity is called elasticity of demand.

If $f$ is a differentiable demand function $x = f(p)$, then the elasticity of demand at price $p$ is \[E(p) = -\dfrac{pf'(p)}{f(p)}\]
The loudspeaker demand equation is \[p = -0.02x + 400 \qquad 0 \leq x \leq 20000\]
  1. Find the elasticity of demand $E(p)$.
  2. Find $E(100)$ and interpret your result.
  3. Find $E(300)$ and interpret your result.
The elasticity of demand is said to be
  1. elastic if $E(p) > 1$.
  2. unitary if $E(p) = 1$.
  3. inelastic if $E(p) < 1$.
From the previous example, is demand elastic, unitary, or inelastic when $p = 100$ and $300$?

Elasticity and Revenue

Elasticity helps us analyze how revenue changes with respect to changes in unit price.

Recall that if $p = f(x)$, then $R(x) = px = xf(x)$.

In our formulation, we have $x = f(p)$, so we can rewrite \[R(p) = px = pf(p)\]

Now taking the derivative with respect to $p$: \begin{align} R'(p)= \dfrac{d}{dp}R(p) &= 1\cdot f(p) + pf'(p) \\&= 1\cdot f(p) + \dfrac{f(p)}{f(p)}pf'(p) \\&= f(p)\left[1 + \dfrac{pf'(p)}{f(p)}\right] \\&= f(p)[1 - E(p)] \end{align}

Consider when demand is elastic when the unit price is set at $a$ dollars. Then $E(a) > 1$, so $1 - E(a) < 0$.

Because $f(a)$ can never be negative (quantity demanded cannot be negative), the above equation becomes \[R'(a) = f(a)[1 - E(a)] = + \cdot - < 0\]

This means when demand is elastic at $p = a$, the revenue function $R(p)$ is decreasing at $p = a$.

In other words, a small unit increase in the unit price results in a decrease of the revenue.

  1. If demand is elastic at $p$, meaning $E(p) > 1$, then
    1. increase in the unit price will cause the revenue to decrease.
    2. decrease in the unit price will cause revenue to increase.
  2. If demand is inelastic at $p$, meaning $E(p) < 1$, then
    1. increase in the unit price will cause the revenue to increase.
    2. decrease in the unit price will cause revenue to decrease.
  3. If demand is unitary, change in unit price will cause the revenue to stay about the same.
From the previous example, if the price is 100 dollars, will raising the unit price slightly cause the revenue to increase or decrease?